Wednesday 30 September 2009

Artist's Image

Also in today's lesson, I will be explaining in more detail how our artist's image will be.

Our artist will be a musical performer as he did not go through an audition process, he instead performs his music at parties/clubs, etc.
As I have mentioned in a previous post, our artist will dress to appeal to our audience, and the best way to do this is to dress like you would in a party or social event. Therefore our artist displayed on our album cover will most likely be wearing conventional 'Chav' clothing to give off an impression that he is more 'accessible' to the audience. This would be a way of us incorporating John stewart's theory into our music video which states that the video allows more access to the performer than a stage performance can.

Our artist will also try to appeal to our target market in other ways such as publicity stunts. A publicity stunt is where an artist wants to be seen doing something (usually in a photo) which will send a message to their audience that the artist wants to send. In our artist's case, photos such as our album cover could create this effect. We will attempt to make our artist perform a publicity shot in our album cover to appeal more to our audience by sending them a message that would appeal or relate to them. Doing this will result in us having a stronger target audience and would therefore mean the sale of our music would be more likely to be successful.

A2 folders

In today's lesson, i decided to organise our work in a folder to make it all easier to find. At the moment, it just has our youtube research that we used to find our main target audience, but we will soon be storing more of our research there such as costume ideas, location ideas, etc.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Audience finalisation

Our audience was looked at in detail with data sources from youtube. Our conclusions were that our audience are aged between 18 and 22 with some ages above 22 listening but the majority are aged between 18 and 22 (sources: youtube). This means that our audience when looked at in britain are predominatly students but when you look into the illegal rave scene most of the people their probably cant afford univercity.

This means our target market are devided equaly between medium to high income people and low income people, which means we should look to advertise our album in mainly univercitys but also selling CD's at partys and social event such as Strawberry Fair or Junktion Warning. This would mean a balanced mix of people are awar of our artist and his music.

Our audience is predominantly male but there are still alot of female listeners (sources: youtube) which means we need to advertise our album to both genders without being suggestive to either males or females.

Further Costume Decision

Clothes: Green relaxed french connection hoodie
Black and grey hoodie
Saggy hate with flat peak
Grey tracksuit bottoms
Green bomber jacket
Camo chords
Trippy T-shirt


We now need to make a list of locations which we will be using for our music video. We already have some footage of a party we went to which will be used in our video. Other locations which may be used includes the school hall and the drama studio. We thought it would be a good idea to use these locations because it would be quite simple to layout these locations so that they look like party venues. They are both clear open spaces which can help us make the effect that it's a party venue.

Other locations include rural and town roads whilst driving so that we can use jump cuts and use the shots themselfs to create a jump between scenes. I have seen this in videos such as smack my bitch up where a driving scene with loads of jump cuts is used to create a jump.

Also we would need to use a small studio as one of our latest ideas includes a push in of clayden lip syncing some of the lyrics whilst stood in a completely white washed backgroud, to create a sence of difference between the artist and what is going on in the narrative video.

Star Image

Star image is the image a star portrays about his or her self. Our artist Clayden is a music producer of many different styles, his recent music has been of psytrance orientation. After looking at image conventions of psytrance we have made final decisions on what he will look like.
After looking through countless boxes of costumes we have selected a few items f clothing that we are going to use, the colors still relate to our blog, white, green, black, the reason we are using these colors is because they are commonly found in the rave scene (refer to disclaimer).

The colors are all vibrent and stand out, we have decided to use photoshop to make predominant colors stand out on a black and white background, this is because we want to make a contrast between the artist and everything around him. The reason we want to create a contrast is because we would like to follow the convention of the artist being better, or worse than everyone els, this is because it makes it easier to make a narrative with the artist.

Today we are going to take our final pictures and edit them in photoshop, this deadline must be met and pictures posted on blog. This must be done as a group!

Monday 28 September 2009


After yesterday's lesson, it was decided that I should deal with gathering the costumes that we may use for our photo on our album cover. Today, I have put together some costumes that I think would be suitable to wear for the cover.

As we discussed in our last lesson, the costume worn on the album cover should appeal to our main target audience. I have stated in previous posts that our main audience will be the older teen group who like listening to our genre of music (psytrance) in social events or parties. Our group thought that the best way to appeal to our audience is to relate to them. In order to do this in our album cover, I believe we should make the person shown on the cover dress the same way as people would who often go to parties or social events where dance music is played.

Doing this will result in our target audience being able to relate more to the artist and would therefore mean we have a stronger target market.
The costumes I think would be most suitable is casual clothing. I will soon get pictures of our costume ideas and have them uploaded onto our blog.

Early bird gets the post!

OK. Its thiry two minutes past midnight and iv been up since ten pm posting. so far I have revised EVERY POST....... ALL is up to date.
New pictures of psytrance album covers have been added around the blog and will continue to be published with every post written, from this as a group we can be reminded of usual conventions as we work, this will help us focus of the subject in hand.

I have written 4 Personal posts today alone and i expect atleast 3 more from both nathan and adam. This will finalise planning. This must all be finished in TWO WEEKS from the 29th of september, These final personal posts from everyone should consist of costumes, locations, final image analysis, effects analysis, lyrics analysis.

Once this is finished we can oficialy start filming. Whilst filming each member of the group will be made to write a separate post each on what they did indevidualy whilst filming, outlineing specific details on what they learnt, or found difficult as this will all be extreamly valuable during our evaluations. The same technique shall be used whilst editing, also to help with the evaluation.

Psytrance Revelation

"Psy is both universe and infinitesimal particles, the Nanospheric psy is an abstract construct beyond our imagination and comprehension. It is a machine deity that forms matter in its own will."

This quote describes Nanospheric which is the fourth album from Cybernetika, an independent German producer from Cologne. Since 2003 he has been writing many different types of electronic music with science fiction influences: psychedelic trance, techno, industrial, and drum ‘n bass. Hints of these other styles can be heard on Nanospheric, but it is primarily an atmospheric psytrance album with a heavy emphasis on story-telling. Cybernetika begins the tale with a virtual story line.

This album was written in FL Studio, mastered with Wavelab, and features cover artwork by Angie.