Thursday 15 October 2009

Video ideas

ok to this post will be added the video of the filmed storybord by this monday.

We start with a push in of a man standing in a blacked out area, as the push in progresses the man starts to tilt his head up whilst looking slightly sinister. Whilst the push in is happening different cutting effects such as rewinds, slow-mo and super fast jump cuts will be used to make an uneasy feel.
After 15 seconds the first new noise begins which is the sound of running footsteps, with this we are going to have shots of somone running with somone standing in the far background only visible through street lights. Shots such as close ups of the persons feet running, worms eye views of the man running, and over the shoulder shots of the man in the background watching the man running. Whilst this is happening different effects will be used to enhance the sinister feel.
After the running noise has become a smaller part of the track we will move back to our push ins of the man in the blacked out area but with different lights such as lazers and acme LED's flasshing on and off with jump cuts to shorten the push in. Also rewinds and different slow-mo techniques shall be used to add to the sinister feel.
The song at this point comes to the drop and the music starts to become broken and twisted, we shall use this point as a turning point in the video where things start to go a bit mad. To do this we will use shots from the first section all messed up in an organised way and right befor the song drops a shot of the man in the darked out area smiling using either a close up or an extream close up of his face with a canted angle.
The song then drops and the shot of the man flickers out using a transition effect (undesided) and a still medium / long shot shows the man in the darkend out area with loads of people Dancing around him as he stands still, whilst using a stobe light we can cut it into sections where in one second you see loads of people around this man and in another second there is nowhan around him. As this is happening the camera eventualy pushes in but much slower depending on the chorus
Once the chorus has finished we move back to our narrative and use as many shots that we have already filmed as possible to fill small sections. The bridge will consist of strobing images of the man in the blacked out area and different tracking shots of the man running mixed together.

In the end it turns out the man in the darkend out area is the man running away from himself.

The video will use alot of sigmunds theory of voyerism as many of the shots used will make it seem like you are watching the character running (or as if the man in the darkend area is watching himself whilst chasing himself) I thought this was a great influence as it works to bring out suspence and people like this!

OK, Deadlines.

We need ALL filming done by the end of next week.
This means i need all storybording done by monday.
Lets do it!

Did we meet the dealine?: see posts on 23rd

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Album Cover

We have now finalised which album cover to go with. We decided to use the idea of making the artist shown on the cover wear dark clothing. We also discussed another idea. Instead of our origional idea where we wanted to conceal part of our artist's identity, we will now fully show who he is because we want the audience to know who the killer is in the narrative.
Now that we have finalised the idea for out album cover, we will upload an image of our cover onto our blog as soon as possible.

New narrative idea

Our idea for our narrative before was making most of our video a first person shot of events that happened in a party. At first we thought this was a good idea, but we later realised that most of the footage that we recorded from a party was too abstract, and would have therefore meant that the narrative would have been harder for the audience to follow.

Now, we have changed our ideas, so that the narrative is more clear and can more easily be followed. The main plot of our music video is now about a person being chased through a set location (which will be decided) after a night out partying. This way, we would not need to include as much abstract footage because the main focus of the video is what happens after the party, instead of what happens in the party.

Thursday 8 October 2009

album covers

Today, we decided to change the idea for our album cover. Our first main idea involved the person shown on the album cover wearing bright clothing, which would appeal to our audience as bright colours are a usual convention of psytrance music videos. Our album cover idea today involved concealing our artist's identity. Conventionally, psytrance artists are not seen during music videos, and we did not want to break this convention, so we made sure our artist's identity is partly covered.
We did this by making him wear shades and wearing a hoodie. This effectively created the impression that our artist's identity is not supposed to be seen by the audience, which is how we stuck to the conventions.
We now have to choose out of these two ideas. Both of the photo ideas have been uploaded onto a computer and we will soon decide which idea to use for our cover.

The full lyrics.

After further tests on convicts we have concluded that the excesive exposure to the frequency 65Hz can result in mass brain meltdown, causing th person to become insane or leave reality itself.
After repeating the 65Hz frequency at 145 BPM for 3 hours test subjects begin to throw there hands in the air wildly, stomp thier feet, but in some cases they couldnt handle the sound anymore, they went so mad they tried to murder everyone in sight.
But they dont kill you in a mad bloodlust manner, they tees you, mess with you head, almost as if they wanted you to become insane aswell.
These are our final lyrics although can be changed at any moment depending on development of ideas.

Props and settings

As I have said in a previous post, our location for our filming of our music video should be relevant to our genre of music. We decided that we should do most of the filming in a place like the school hall or drama, where it is a wide open space and it can easily be made to look like a party location.

We now also need to decide which props to incorporate in our music video. We would need to add props in the video that would relate to the conventions of our genre, psytrance. These props could be items such as decks, bright florescent lighting, etc. By doing this, we will more effectively appeal to our audience. We will do further research to help us find out more about conventional props used in psytrance videos and use the results from our research to help us to determine what prop will be used in our video.

Narrative finalized

Our Psytrance conventions have been decided. we are going to use a narrative whilst also using shots of the artist. So far what we want to do is use push ins of our artist on a white background with him mouthing the lyrics, whilst this is going on jump cuts will be used to move between different shots of  someone being chased through Newport at night. These different shots will include over the shoulder shots,tracking shots,POV and various different camera positions to give the idea of an intense chase happening.The chase being the narrative and the push ins of our artist as the abstract.

Story boarding

Today I started to story bored and had to start working out time scaling for the track, but we ran into a problem. The music from the CD is burnt as a CDA not as an MP3, also the original CD is broken. Because of the circumstances we have spoken to Clayden and requested another CD and we are meeting him today at 1:10 PM.

Once we have finalised our track, again we can finish off story bording and then film the story bored.