Thursday 15 October 2009

Video ideas

ok to this post will be added the video of the filmed storybord by this monday.

We start with a push in of a man standing in a blacked out area, as the push in progresses the man starts to tilt his head up whilst looking slightly sinister. Whilst the push in is happening different cutting effects such as rewinds, slow-mo and super fast jump cuts will be used to make an uneasy feel.
After 15 seconds the first new noise begins which is the sound of running footsteps, with this we are going to have shots of somone running with somone standing in the far background only visible through street lights. Shots such as close ups of the persons feet running, worms eye views of the man running, and over the shoulder shots of the man in the background watching the man running. Whilst this is happening different effects will be used to enhance the sinister feel.
After the running noise has become a smaller part of the track we will move back to our push ins of the man in the blacked out area but with different lights such as lazers and acme LED's flasshing on and off with jump cuts to shorten the push in. Also rewinds and different slow-mo techniques shall be used to add to the sinister feel.
The song at this point comes to the drop and the music starts to become broken and twisted, we shall use this point as a turning point in the video where things start to go a bit mad. To do this we will use shots from the first section all messed up in an organised way and right befor the song drops a shot of the man in the darked out area smiling using either a close up or an extream close up of his face with a canted angle.
The song then drops and the shot of the man flickers out using a transition effect (undesided) and a still medium / long shot shows the man in the darkend out area with loads of people Dancing around him as he stands still, whilst using a stobe light we can cut it into sections where in one second you see loads of people around this man and in another second there is nowhan around him. As this is happening the camera eventualy pushes in but much slower depending on the chorus
Once the chorus has finished we move back to our narrative and use as many shots that we have already filmed as possible to fill small sections. The bridge will consist of strobing images of the man in the blacked out area and different tracking shots of the man running mixed together.

In the end it turns out the man in the darkend out area is the man running away from himself.

The video will use alot of sigmunds theory of voyerism as many of the shots used will make it seem like you are watching the character running (or as if the man in the darkend area is watching himself whilst chasing himself) I thought this was a great influence as it works to bring out suspence and people like this!

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