Tuesday 29 September 2009

Audience finalisation

Our audience was looked at in detail with data sources from youtube. Our conclusions were that our audience are aged between 18 and 22 with some ages above 22 listening but the majority are aged between 18 and 22 (sources: youtube). This means that our audience when looked at in britain are predominatly students but when you look into the illegal rave scene most of the people their probably cant afford univercity.

This means our target market are devided equaly between medium to high income people and low income people, which means we should look to advertise our album in mainly univercitys but also selling CD's at partys and social event such as Strawberry Fair or Junktion Warning. This would mean a balanced mix of people are awar of our artist and his music.

Our audience is predominantly male but there are still alot of female listeners (sources: youtube) which means we need to advertise our album to both genders without being suggestive to either males or females.

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