Monday 28 September 2009

Early bird gets the post!

OK. Its thiry two minutes past midnight and iv been up since ten pm posting. so far I have revised EVERY POST....... ALL is up to date.
New pictures of psytrance album covers have been added around the blog and will continue to be published with every post written, from this as a group we can be reminded of usual conventions as we work, this will help us focus of the subject in hand.

I have written 4 Personal posts today alone and i expect atleast 3 more from both nathan and adam. This will finalise planning. This must all be finished in TWO WEEKS from the 29th of september, These final personal posts from everyone should consist of costumes, locations, final image analysis, effects analysis, lyrics analysis.

Once this is finished we can oficialy start filming. Whilst filming each member of the group will be made to write a separate post each on what they did indevidualy whilst filming, outlineing specific details on what they learnt, or found difficult as this will all be extreamly valuable during our evaluations. The same technique shall be used whilst editing, also to help with the evaluation.

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