Thursday 24 September 2009

Lyrical research

Today we decided to research material to use as our lyrics. We needed to ensure that the lyrics we found were not copywrited. We also had personal search criteria such as the need for it to have little or no meaning and we needed the lyrics to fit with the track to create a 'dark' mood. We needed to do this because it is a common convention of our music genre, which is psytrance. We first looked at Alice in wonderland and got the following quotes:
  •  You mean you can't take less; it's very easy to take more than nothing.
  • That's the reason they're called lessons, because they lessen from day to day.
  • I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see.
  • We're all mad here.
  • Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you're at.
  • Off with her head!
  • Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
  • I don't believe there's an atom of meaning in it.
  • Sentence first -- verdict afterwards.
  • It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.
We thought these quotes fitted well with our conventions because they have little meaning and some make no sense. Our target audience will most likely be older teens, possibly aged 16-24+ and will mainly be played at parties or social gatherings, where people will typically be drinking and may not pay too much attention to the lyrics of the song.
We have researched several psytrance songs with lyrics and noticed that they would make little or no sense to even a sober audience.

Ghost stories
We have decided to research ghost stories for possible use for our lyrics:

Phantom Hitchhikers
A man is driving along a lonely back road late at night. He suddenly spots a woman, often dressed in white, standing at the side of the road. The man pulls over and offers to give the woman a lift. The woman accepts, and it just so happens her destination is the same town the man is heading to. The man then offers to drive the woman home. Along the way he may give her his coat, especially if it has been raining and the woman is wet. The woman is usually very beautiful, but very quiet and withdrawn and barely says another word. As they arrive at the woman's home, the man turns to look at her and is bewildered to find she has vanished. Undaunted he continues to the address given. There he speaks to the residents of the house and is amazed to hear the woman was killed on this same night some time ago. The spot where the man picked her up was the location of her murder or fatal accident. If the man then goes to visit her grave, he will find his coat (if he had given it to her) draped across the tombstone.

We decided to look into ghost stories as well because they are typically 'dark' in meaning which again, would fit well with our conventions. If we decided to use this story, we need to change the rhythm in which the words are said because at the moment they have no rhythm.

We have decided not to use the Absence  lyrics that we researched in the last group meeting because we found idea's that fitted better with the psytrance conventions.

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